Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A few weeks ago...

Today was a long day. One of those didn't do so well on a physiology exam, nothing went my way kind of days. I got home from taking my midterm and my 4 year old Avery threw the tantrum of the century because I told her she couldn't do something she wanted to do. After 15 minutes of her screaming (and FYI 15 minutes of a tantrum feels like 7 hours) I eventually broke down and cried myself. When she saw me crying she didn't know what to do with herself... this led to us cuddling and making up before bedtime.
After my kids were asleep in bed I pulled out everything that has happened to me in the last 26 years (Have you seen Dane Cook's Vicious Circle? If so... this is what I'm talking about!) Where you think up everything in your entire life that didn't go your way, or made you sad and you just build on it and have a pitty freaking cry party for yourself. Well this was my Friday night. I thought of everything difficult about my life. And then a thought dawned on me.... The two most important things in my life are fine and well. My two kids. I'm actually THANKFUL that I have the opportunity to raise my voice at my naughty kids. I'm thankful that the only thing I have to worry about with them is that they are being sassy and causing trouble. I'm so grateful that my worries aren't consumed with their health, well-being, safety, happiness, etc. I'm so happy that my biggest stressor in life is when my kids throw such big bratty tantrums that it brings me to tears and makes me have a pitiful evening feeling sorry for myself. I commend the mothers that actually have something to worry about, and I think God everyday that my worries are so small.  I'm grateful that I have two healthy children that can run around and give me grey hairs and pre-mature wrinkles on my face because they are so naughty. I'm grateful for the challenges in my life, even if sometimes they seem overwhelming. Love this quote:
"If we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miracle Ryker

Ryker's parents, Rachel and Jason are good friends of my Mom and Rob. I met them briefly about this time last year just before they learned of their sweet baby's condition. Ryker's mom made a video HERE telling Ryker's story on his blog. Warning, you will need some tissues as you watch this video.  
Keep Miracle Ryker and his family in your prayers, you can't help but fall in love with this adorable baby!

Oct 2!

I was not too keen on turning 26 this year. It's the first time I've ever really felt old. It was a fabulous birthday until my period decided give me a gift of a pizza face for the big 26. After some shopping at city creek I thought "eff it!" and put on my amazing face mask. I looked so pretty for dinner and bday cake.

My sweet 82 year old grandmother sent me this birthday card.... Best card I've ever received!

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world this birthday. I got to celebrate with all the people near and dear to me. Thanks to everyone for making it special.