Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Goodness!

The next time I write about how grateful I am for my children's health someone please smack me and remind me of the 4 days we spent in the hospital and the shitstorm of sickness that rained upon my house for weeks. Immediately after writing about how nothing else matters but my kids being healthy and active they both got really sick with colds. Avery's turned into Pneumonia and she was hospitalized for 4 days and had to have a PICC line placed in her little arm. Saddest few days of my life. Once we got her home and I was giving her her twice daily doses of antibiotics things started to look up! Then about 3 days after getting home from the hospital Teya got the stomach flu and threw up everywhere. I prayed Avery wouldn't get it, but she did. After throw up all over my couch, bed, carpet, face.... etc and 2 visits to the ER for Avery to get some IV fluids they finally recovered!! I must have cursed myself by my last post because those few weeks were unreal.
Now that fall semester is almost over I'm hoping to get back to writing frequently. I've got one big test and then 5 finals in the next 2 weeks! Eeeesh.... that hurts just writing! I'm going to need something to keep me awake (since it's really hard to study with 2 demanding but very cute preschoolers running around, I get the majority of my studying done once they are in bed). I've tried 5 hour energy and it must have the opposite effect on me because it puts me right to sleep. Anybody have any recommendations for something I can do/eat/drink to stay up? Please? I'll try anything.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you are all enjoying the Holidays!

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