Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Blog... my scatterbrained catching up on life

Whoa it feels really weird coming back to blogging after about an 18 month hiatus! As you can see by my blog I totally forgot how to make it all fancy and cute... therefore it'll be under construction for a bit while I try to relearn all my old blogging tricks. I feel like a 90 year old trying to learn how to use this crazy technology after such a long break.
I decided to make a new blog instead of writing on my old blog because things are lot different now... It just felt right to leave that one exactly how it is and start fresh here. You'd think this part coming up would be a little awkward for me to discuss, but it actually isn't. The whole reason my blogging stopped was because my little family went through some major changes. In May of 2010 some things happened in my marriage that pretty much made the marriage unrecoverable. Me and Brian. I'm going to refer to Brian as the Wasband (I copied this name from www.stephanieklein.com) only because I HATE calling him my ex-husband. It just feels weird. So I like wasband... was my husband... Anyways we decided to separate back in May of 2010 to see if we could work on things that way. Bottom line we decided to divorce after being separated for a really long time and it's worked out for us surprisingly well. You know you made the right decision when you argue significantly less with your wasband than your husband. We are still very close and I honestly wouldn't say a bad word about him. Just last night we went to dinner and the circus with our kids together. (If you can't tell by the brutal honesty this blog is going to be a bit more "real" than my old one. Not just pictures of happy times and things like that... I want to use it as a way to really express myself because let's be honest, I am one opinionated person. This may sound a bit morbid, but I also want a record for my children to be able to read if for some reason I died unexpectedly. I want them to be able to see who I was and what I was like. I know a journal is a more personal way of doing this but I never actually stick to that.) Sidetracked...
So back to the honesty thing... There will surely be times that I'm frustrated as heck with him but that's life and I couldn't thank him enough for helping bring the two most beautiful little monsters into my life. 
Avery is 4 now and Teya is 3. Seriously where does the time go? I still feel like I'm in that phase where Avery is 1 and walking all over and Tey is a tiny newborn and my whole life consisted of diapers and bottles and schedules. In reality life now consists of my cute preschoolers (including everything they're into like princesses, barbies, whiney whineyness, constant fighting over toys... etc), college, cooking, cleaning, homework, and trying to fit fun in there somewhere. It's a crazy insanely busy stressful life, but I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything different. 
Oh back to school... I'm going to school to become a nurse anesthetist. (That is anesthetist as in ANESTHESIOLOGY *NOT* Esthetician.) I always tell people I'm going into nurse anesthesiology and they usually reply "Oh like chemical peels and botox?" Nope! As in administering anesthesia. I've got a ways to go.. You have to get your masters in nursing basically. But I'm well on my way and I'll be able to work as a nurse as I finish up the last 2-4 years of college. Wish me luck, I'll need it! 
Sorry for the very scatter brained attempt at catching up on what's new in my life since my last blog which you can view HERE.
I'd love comments or feedback or just to let me know you're reading.


  1. Rach I'm so glad you're back! I'll save your new address!

  2. Glad you are back! That's super exciting about school! That's exactly what I planned on doing... but kids and life changed my plans for me :) Good luck! My blog is private now-- send me your address (if I haven't sent ya one already?)

  3. i love reading your new blog and following u and your 2 cute girls
