Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Goodness!

The next time I write about how grateful I am for my children's health someone please smack me and remind me of the 4 days we spent in the hospital and the shitstorm of sickness that rained upon my house for weeks. Immediately after writing about how nothing else matters but my kids being healthy and active they both got really sick with colds. Avery's turned into Pneumonia and she was hospitalized for 4 days and had to have a PICC line placed in her little arm. Saddest few days of my life. Once we got her home and I was giving her her twice daily doses of antibiotics things started to look up! Then about 3 days after getting home from the hospital Teya got the stomach flu and threw up everywhere. I prayed Avery wouldn't get it, but she did. After throw up all over my couch, bed, carpet, face.... etc and 2 visits to the ER for Avery to get some IV fluids they finally recovered!! I must have cursed myself by my last post because those few weeks were unreal.
Now that fall semester is almost over I'm hoping to get back to writing frequently. I've got one big test and then 5 finals in the next 2 weeks! Eeeesh.... that hurts just writing! I'm going to need something to keep me awake (since it's really hard to study with 2 demanding but very cute preschoolers running around, I get the majority of my studying done once they are in bed). I've tried 5 hour energy and it must have the opposite effect on me because it puts me right to sleep. Anybody have any recommendations for something I can do/eat/drink to stay up? Please? I'll try anything.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you are all enjoying the Holidays!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A few weeks ago...

Today was a long day. One of those didn't do so well on a physiology exam, nothing went my way kind of days. I got home from taking my midterm and my 4 year old Avery threw the tantrum of the century because I told her she couldn't do something she wanted to do. After 15 minutes of her screaming (and FYI 15 minutes of a tantrum feels like 7 hours) I eventually broke down and cried myself. When she saw me crying she didn't know what to do with herself... this led to us cuddling and making up before bedtime.
After my kids were asleep in bed I pulled out everything that has happened to me in the last 26 years (Have you seen Dane Cook's Vicious Circle? If so... this is what I'm talking about!) Where you think up everything in your entire life that didn't go your way, or made you sad and you just build on it and have a pitty freaking cry party for yourself. Well this was my Friday night. I thought of everything difficult about my life. And then a thought dawned on me.... The two most important things in my life are fine and well. My two kids. I'm actually THANKFUL that I have the opportunity to raise my voice at my naughty kids. I'm thankful that the only thing I have to worry about with them is that they are being sassy and causing trouble. I'm so grateful that my worries aren't consumed with their health, well-being, safety, happiness, etc. I'm so happy that my biggest stressor in life is when my kids throw such big bratty tantrums that it brings me to tears and makes me have a pitiful evening feeling sorry for myself. I commend the mothers that actually have something to worry about, and I think God everyday that my worries are so small.  I'm grateful that I have two healthy children that can run around and give me grey hairs and pre-mature wrinkles on my face because they are so naughty. I'm grateful for the challenges in my life, even if sometimes they seem overwhelming. Love this quote:
"If we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miracle Ryker

Ryker's parents, Rachel and Jason are good friends of my Mom and Rob. I met them briefly about this time last year just before they learned of their sweet baby's condition. Ryker's mom made a video HERE telling Ryker's story on his blog. Warning, you will need some tissues as you watch this video.  
Keep Miracle Ryker and his family in your prayers, you can't help but fall in love with this adorable baby!

Oct 2!

I was not too keen on turning 26 this year. It's the first time I've ever really felt old. It was a fabulous birthday until my period decided give me a gift of a pizza face for the big 26. After some shopping at city creek I thought "eff it!" and put on my amazing face mask. I looked so pretty for dinner and bday cake.

My sweet 82 year old grandmother sent me this birthday card.... Best card I've ever received!

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world this birthday. I got to celebrate with all the people near and dear to me. Thanks to everyone for making it special.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend in pictures

This weekend was so much fun. Friday night consisted of Chinese food and studying for a Physiology quiz. While we were waiting for the Chinese delivery to come Teya fell asleep in my lap. I LOVE this. My kids never do this anymore, they're too cool for that stuff now. I had to document it. 
We decided on a whim to go to Park City to look at the leaves and eat the amazing Pizza on main street. 

Love PC Main Street this time of year.
A little night cap at Menchie's

Then we hit up a little face painting/bounce house jumping session at Snowbird:

My kids are so obsessed with their zebra and unicorn "makeup" they somehow talked me into letting them sleep in it.... pushover.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

For your entertainment

Alright I have a gigantic list of youtube favorites that make me laugh so dang hard. I'll probably randomly post some of them every now and then. These ones are completely random, but so good. There's only one that would be offensive, there's some swear words in it, so feel free to skip that one! Hope these make you laugh or smile!

K I'm sorry I HAD to post this one. The chick in the white pants apparently has a booty that is unattached from the rest of her body. Fast forward it to 1:30 and watch until like 2 minutes. It will blow your mind. The conversation as I watched this went like this... all me talking out loud here:

"No way...."
"What the?"
"Um no words."
"Wait is that real?? Can't be...."
This will be a video you have to show someone. It's that crazy.

Alright if you're offended extremely by swearwords skip this one. But it's pretty freaking hilarious. Or maybe I just have a sick sense of humor? That's probably it. This guy makes a ton of these and this one went all around the internet because it's just so ridiculous, but funny.

Ahhhh this one. If you didn't see the movie, don't worry there's no nudity. You will just be so glad you watched this.... How can you not appreciate the art of dance? You won't be sorry.
I'm sure ya'll have seen this one. The commentator is what gets me laughing the hardest. So funny

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

iface swapp

If you don't have this app GET IT! I was having a particularly blah night, feeling kind of down for no particular reason and decided to play with this app. Within 5 minutes tears of pure joy and entertainment were flowing down my face from laughing so hard. I even think I peed, but just a little. These are only a few.... I did like 200. Two are of my cute kids who I turned into creepy little trolls. (pictures 3 and 5. This is my first time using this app, so I'm not sure how to move the order of the pics yet.) Two are of me and my sister (pics 1 and 4) and THE BEST picture is #2! Me and the Wasband! I look like a dyke (nothing against dykes, but honestly there's just no other word to describe this fabulousness). and by me I mean my face on his body.
Please download this app NOW!
You're welcome.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Blog... my scatterbrained catching up on life

Whoa it feels really weird coming back to blogging after about an 18 month hiatus! As you can see by my blog I totally forgot how to make it all fancy and cute... therefore it'll be under construction for a bit while I try to relearn all my old blogging tricks. I feel like a 90 year old trying to learn how to use this crazy technology after such a long break.
I decided to make a new blog instead of writing on my old blog because things are lot different now... It just felt right to leave that one exactly how it is and start fresh here. You'd think this part coming up would be a little awkward for me to discuss, but it actually isn't. The whole reason my blogging stopped was because my little family went through some major changes. In May of 2010 some things happened in my marriage that pretty much made the marriage unrecoverable. Me and Brian. I'm going to refer to Brian as the Wasband (I copied this name from only because I HATE calling him my ex-husband. It just feels weird. So I like wasband... was my husband... Anyways we decided to separate back in May of 2010 to see if we could work on things that way. Bottom line we decided to divorce after being separated for a really long time and it's worked out for us surprisingly well. You know you made the right decision when you argue significantly less with your wasband than your husband. We are still very close and I honestly wouldn't say a bad word about him. Just last night we went to dinner and the circus with our kids together. (If you can't tell by the brutal honesty this blog is going to be a bit more "real" than my old one. Not just pictures of happy times and things like that... I want to use it as a way to really express myself because let's be honest, I am one opinionated person. This may sound a bit morbid, but I also want a record for my children to be able to read if for some reason I died unexpectedly. I want them to be able to see who I was and what I was like. I know a journal is a more personal way of doing this but I never actually stick to that.) Sidetracked...
So back to the honesty thing... There will surely be times that I'm frustrated as heck with him but that's life and I couldn't thank him enough for helping bring the two most beautiful little monsters into my life. 
Avery is 4 now and Teya is 3. Seriously where does the time go? I still feel like I'm in that phase where Avery is 1 and walking all over and Tey is a tiny newborn and my whole life consisted of diapers and bottles and schedules. In reality life now consists of my cute preschoolers (including everything they're into like princesses, barbies, whiney whineyness, constant fighting over toys... etc), college, cooking, cleaning, homework, and trying to fit fun in there somewhere. It's a crazy insanely busy stressful life, but I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything different. 
Oh back to school... I'm going to school to become a nurse anesthetist. (That is anesthetist as in ANESTHESIOLOGY *NOT* Esthetician.) I always tell people I'm going into nurse anesthesiology and they usually reply "Oh like chemical peels and botox?" Nope! As in administering anesthesia. I've got a ways to go.. You have to get your masters in nursing basically. But I'm well on my way and I'll be able to work as a nurse as I finish up the last 2-4 years of college. Wish me luck, I'll need it! 
Sorry for the very scatter brained attempt at catching up on what's new in my life since my last blog which you can view HERE.
I'd love comments or feedback or just to let me know you're reading.